I bet many persons who actually programmed flash will see this
Still playing way too many games. Still doesn't care.
Age 40, Male
Gfx Animator/Design
Joined on 10/2/00
I bet many persons who actually programmed flash will see this
I can only hope so. If we're really lucky, they'll even implement some of the stuff.
You raised some valid points, also I dont know if you raised this but do you ever get that random error when you just click somewhere with normal cursor and it just deletes some stuff, and also the rather poor fill bucket ability within pencil drawn edges, although that can be sorted within flash.
I've never had the arrow tool seemingly delete stuff randomly. Could it be a dodgy installation? Sounds like a nuisance. Can't say I have much bother with the fill bucket tool either. Just make sure your line work is closed up before you try to fill!
I prefer Flash 8 over the newer one myself... but they both need some work
A wild Adobe appears!
Go! stuart!
stuart uses Suggestions!
It doesn't effect Adobe
Well obviously we need to find a weak spot for massive damage.
Ugh, how about this for 20: Release flash with the same standard of quality Macromedia had. CS3 is a huge pile of crap that Adobe just didn't get right, and I've hated them for it every day I've had to use it. The buggy interface is so frustrating! Don't they know how to test things? Damn! I want my code correction tool to work again.
CS3 is basically just Flash 8 with a terrible buggy interface and AS3 slapped on...
Oh, I agree about the lessons too! I learned on Flash MX and they were so helpful! WTF, right?
"it's the only program of it's type out there"
So I'm guessing you never heard of ToonBoom Studios? I recommending looking it up and possibly giving it a try.
Obviously there are lots of different animation programs in general, but I was specifically referring to creating Flash animation. ToonBoom looks to offer more traditional animation techniques, though completely digitised?
Sorry, I'm being pretty ignorant. I wouldn't mind knowing more about ToonBoom.
lmfao at what emanhattan said
cause honestly adobe doesnt give a shit what we want
however i agree with ALL those suggestions. wholeheartedly
Don't worry, I'm sure these problems will be fixed once the next version comes out.
maybe someone just needs no nicely tell them of these problems?
That explains why you discotinued Angrey Hillbilles
good points, especialy about that darned lined tool. GGGRR... so is that why you don't make anymore Flash? or is there another reason?
You haven't submitted a Flash in 6 years!